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What does Curb+ provide?

Curb+ is an add-on service for car insurance companies in Oman that will provide customers who have been in an accident with a rental car. We provide you a piece of mind and a car rental after an accident to get you on the road in no time. 

What happens when I get into an accident?  

After the accident, the member will submit a claim form via Curb+ website and provide the accident report along with the insurance policy number. Our customer representative will validate the information and instruct you to head to the closest rental company partnership to pick-up your rental car.

In the case where alternate vehicle is not available with services provider, you will be routed to the nearest provider in the adjacent city. Below is a list of cities where customers might have to commute to the nearest car rental provider to pick up their rental:

  • Jalan Bani Buali – South Sharqiya
  • Sinaw – South Sharqiya
  • Saham – North Batinah
  • Ibra – South Sharqiya
What will the car rental company require when picking up my car?

The car rental company will require all the necessary documents to rent a car except for the payment. All rules and regulations of the car rental company will apply to you.

My insurance provider does not have Curb+, how can I purchase a plan?

As of now, we only provide the Curb+ plans with partnered insurance companies.

How can I purchase a Curb+ plan?

Curb+ plans are available through your insurance company. The payment and agreement will be done through the insurance company when purchasing/renewing an auto insurance plan.

When will I be eligible to receive a rental car through Curb+?

Curb+ customer representative will require the accident documentation and/or an estimation of the repair time for the car. Curb+ will provide a rental car for members whose car needs repair and will provide it for the duration of the chosen membership plan.